Sorry I'm a bit slow on the posts right now. It's been a busy week for dog related stuff, and I'm working on a couple posts right now. I'll have some new stuff up soon!
Before I post this link, I want to assure you that this blog won't normally be a place for this kind of soapbox stuff. I did however want to share this petition with ya'll.
I recently met the brother of Rosie the Newf, and this petition is in regards to a really a messed up incident with police shooting a dog in Oregon. What isn't included in the police report is that after shooting a dog cowering in a blackberry bush four times, police laughed about their conquest in front of the Good Samaritan neighbors who were originally trying to help the dog.
It really comes down to police and law enforcement needing better education on dog behavior and body language. Far too many dogs are needlessly shot every year, and as with many things in life, I feel education is the key (insert "The More You Know" music). I have a lot of respect for law enforcement, and all that they do for us (my brother is in law enforcement), but this incident is inexcusable. So, if you feel so moved take a sec and sign the petition. Thanks!
*steps off soapbox*
Rosie the Newfoundland
So, uh, to lighten the mood a bit after that downer, enjoy a picture of my cat Pesto looking smug after stealing Hoagie's crate.
Evil-Eyes Pesto is in your crates, stealin' your warms.
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