Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Birthday Pretzel!

April 7th was Pretzel's 1st birthday!  Yay!

Pretzel looks thrilled.

He did however have a nice day.  We went to SLODOG run through and handed out homemade dog cookies to all his canine friends.  Everyone seemed to enjoy them.  You really can't go wrong with pumpkin-peanut butter cookies!

Bone and squirrel shaped.  Yummy!

Pretzel certainly enjoyed his cookie.  (In his favorite spot on the nice carpet, of course.)
Big brother Hoagie even got a squirrel!
Then, Mommy subjected the boys to the obligatory birthday photo shoot.  Turns out Pretzel isn't quite the photo hound his brother is...

...but he's getting better.

Look at him rock that 70's background.  Not every pup can pull that off!

So happy 1st birthday to the best little Heinz 57 pup ever!  It's been quite a year, especially the 8 month's he's been with us, but we're happy to have him in our little family!

Happy Birthday Pretzel!

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