Saturday, February 2, 2013

I'm not dead yet!

We've been busy....and apparently I have ADD (no really, I'm seeing a specialist about it) posting about our canine exploits frequently gets forgotten.  Looking back at my posts, I last wrote in April about what I did in February of 2012!  That means I have a whole year's worth of dog-riddled fun to share with you! 

First, Hoagie continued with his Freestyle last summer, complete with a second video. 

I have to admit that I like our first performance better.  I think I was trying to put some new moves in this performance that weren't quite ready.  We are currently taking another freestyle class, and should have another video for you soon!  Hoagie truly loves dancing, and I love dancing with him.  He's a great partner and I hope to continue for as long as he's willing.

The second bit of news is really special.  After all our hard work, in the middle of a rain storm, and amidst a chaotic conformation dog show, Hoagie and I earned our first qualifying Rally Obedience score! 

Posing with his ribbons.  Always the serious boy.

It only took 3 years, and a very kind judge.  It certainly wasn't the prettiest performance, but we squeaked by, and came out with a qualifying score and a 4th place ribbon.  Now we only have to do it two more times, and Hoagie will have a bona fide AKC rally obedience title.  Truly, I'm thrilled with a qualifying score, and if we never do it again, I will still feel as if we accomplished something significant.  This little milestone means a great deal to me, and the ribbons will always have a prominent place on my wall.  It may not seem like much, but considering what we've been through to get there, that green qualifying ribbon means more than any huge trophy ever could.

And now, we can't forget about Pretzel.  The little guy's also been a busy pup!
"Yeah!  Don't forget about me!"

This December we enjoyed walking in our first Christmas Parade with SLODOG. Unfortunately we don't have any pictures of Pretzel in the parade, but I was able to find a video online.  SLODOG comes up at about the 25 minute mark.  Just a warning, the commentary and video quality are terrible, but we get a couple minutes of air time.  Pretzel got to ride in the decorated garden cart and hammed-it-up all the way through the parade.  We are definitely looking forward to next year's parade! 

Stew did manage to get a couple cool pictures of other folks in the parade.

Sweet light effects bro!

The last event of the year was probably one of Pretzel's favorites.  Our friend Katie invited us to try straight track racing with the newly formed CCASH: Central Coast Association of Sighthounds (an LGRA club)  Before you say it: no, pretzel is not a sighthound.  He's a, thing.  The great folks at CCASH however let us try running, and Pretzel may have found his new favorite sport.  All he had to do was run after a toy on a pulley system.  No training, no other dogs, no need to pay attention to Mom; just run like heck.  He turned out to be more enthusiastic about running than some of the actual sighthounds!  I'll have to wait until next time to get some pictures of him, but in the mean time, enjoy photos of some exceptionally beautiful and graceful sighthounds.

Beautiful Borzoi

Rhodesian Ridgebacks

Silken Windhounds

Katie's gorgeous girl, Groovy, a Silken Windhound 

The majestic Chi-Peka-Shihtz Terrier:  Apparently built for speed.

So, all in all, we've been busy people and pups.  There's definitely more to share, and lots coming up soon, but that's for another blog post.  More Freestyle, Nose Work, and even some Agility on the horizon!  

Thanks for stickin' with me while I took a little writing hiatus.  Because you're all awesome, have a bonus ridiculous Christmas picture!  See ya'll next time!

*We moved to Nipomo in August, so our new backyard is a bit sandy.  We've taken to vacuuming a lot...


  1. This is fantastic! Glad to see more of Hoagie and Pretzel :-)

  2. Hi Carol!

    My name is Tammy. I'm leaving you this comment on your blog because I could not find another way to contact you. I hope this is Ok.

    I thought you might be interested in our latest infographic "8 Tips To Keep Your Dog Safe and Stress-Free this Halloween". You can view it at FYI (in case you're not familiar) is owned by Yahoo!. It's a very safe site and won't hurt your computer. To download the infographic right click on it and Flickr will show you some options.

    If you like this infographic and want to share it with your readers, please feel free to do so. The only thing that we ask in return is that you link back to TheUncommonDog dot com in some way from your post.

    As a way of showing our appreciation to those who choose to share the infographic, I'd be happy to spread the word about the blog post by linking to it from our Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ pages. Just let me know that you posted it and send me the link.

    If you'd like to be removed from our contact list, please let me know.

    Big Tail Wag!
    Tammy Sexton
    Marketing Coordinator
    Tammy at TheUncommonDog dot com

  3. Hi Carol!

    My name is Tammy. I hope you don't mind me commenting on your blog. I just wasn't sure how else to reach you. I sincerely apologize if this comes across as spam, that is not the intent. With Christmas just around the corner, I thought you might be interested in our latest infographic "Are You A Doggie for Christmas Kind of Mom?". You can view it at (Preview) . FYI (in case you're not familiar) is owned by Yahoo!. It's a very safe site and won't hurt your computer. To download the infographic right click on it and Flickr will show you some options.

    If you like this infographic and want to share it with your readers, please feel free to do so. The only thing that we ask in return is that you link back to TheUncommonDog dot com in some way from your post.

    As a way of showing our appreciation to those who choose to share the infographic, I'd be happy to spread the word about the blog post by linking to it from our Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ pages. Just let me know that you posted it and send me the link.

    If you'd like to be removed from our contact list, please let me know.

    Happy Holidays!
    Tammy Sexton
    Marketing Coordinator
    Tammy at TheUncommonDog dot com
